
The Bristol Wheat Genomics site is divided, on the basis of target audience, into 4 separate areas - see below:


Follow this link to visit the original CerealsDB web site. The site has been updated to include an online searchable SNP database from which one can download sequence and primer information. Thus, the site now provide research scientist and breeders with the tools to look for SNP markers, BLAST search wheat sequences against a Chinese Spring database and against other small grain cereal crops (e.g. barley).

Contact Gary Barker or Mark Winfield for further information on the CerealsDB site.


Follow this link to visit the INEW site. This Virtual Joint Centre brings together major UK and Indian wheat researchers with programmes on wheat improvement to determine the genetic control of nitrogen use efficiency in wheat. The Centre will coordinate activities, harmonise protocols, provide training opportunities for early career scientists and generate a unique range of genetic material, skills and research facilities.

Contact Paul Wilkinson for further information on the INEW site.


Follow this link to go to the original WheatBP to which now have been added addition pages. The infomation contained herein is directed at a non-specialised audience providing general information about wheat. Topics covered are: wheat evolution, wheat breeding, milling, baking and brewing, and an introduction to the wheat research carried out in our laboratory.

Please note that the new pages are still being added to and modified: they should be seen as a works in progress rather than finished articles. Any comments and suggestions will be gladly accepted.

Contact Mark Winfield for further information on the WheatBP site.