The Bristol Wheat Genomics site is divided, on the basis of target audience, into 4 separate areas - see below:

Contact Gary Barker or Mark Winfield for further information on the CerealsDB site.

Contact Paul Wilkinson for further information on the INEW site.

Please note that the new pages are still being added to and modified: they should be seen as a works in progress rather than finished articles. Any comments and suggestions will be gladly accepted.
Contact Mark Winfield for further information on the WheatBP site.

- Illumina NextSeq 500 next generation sequencing
- Illumina MiSeq next generation sequencing
- Illumina HiSeq 2500 next generation sequencing
- Affymetrix Gene Titan hybridisation and analysis (inc. 384-format AxiomŽ protocols)
- Affymetrix GeneChip® hybridisation and analysis
- Agilent TapeStation 2200 for nucleic acid analysis
- ABI 3500 capillary sequencing/genotyping
- Bioinformatics support
Contact Jane Coghill or Christy Waterfall for further information on this facility.